Please check out my new essay, “A Presidency Marked by Protest: Donald J. Trump and a New Era of Contentious Politics”. It takes a first look at some of the data that I’ve been collecting at protests this year.
Please check out my new essay, “A Presidency Marked by Protest: Donald J. Trump and a New Era of Contentious Politics”. It takes a first look at some of the data that I’ve been collecting at protests this year.
My article, “Activism in an Era of Partisan Polarization”, has been published by the journal PS: Political Science and Politics. Read it here:
Last month, I was quoted in two articles in the San Francisco Chronicle about protests being held in Berkeley, California.
Fabio Rojas and I were quoted in Governing magazine in an article about protest policing, titled “As Protests Escalate Under Trump, States Seek New Ways to Deter Them.” “Police are trained in how to deal with riots,” says Michael Heaney, a University of Michigan sociologist and, with Rojas, co-author of Party in the Street: The Antiwar Movement and the Democratic Party after 9/11. “When they see a large group of people, they tend to treat it as a riot.”
I was quoted in a Washington Post story on the alt-right protests in Charlottesville, stating that “Elected officials feel the need to pander to the majority,” Heaney said. “Whether they’re anti-Trump protesters or white supremacists, [officials think] their voices should be suppressed, and the public is supportive of that.”
There will be a free showing of The Activists: War, Peace, and Politics in the Streets this Thursday, September 14 at 6pm at the Ann Arbor District Library. All are welcome!
See the event’s Facebook page here:
Jesse Crosson and I have won the Best Paper Award from the organized section on Political Organizations and Parties of the American Political Science Association. It is for our paper 2016 APSA paper entitled “Constructing Interest Group Coalitions.”
The Activists won “Best Documentary” at the Trinity International Film Festival this past weekend. See:
I was quoted in this Christian Science Monitor article on “Meet the Raging Grannies, Portland’s not-so-secret warriors for civility.”