See this recent article in which I was quoted in a Brazilian news story about Donald Trump:
A Presidency Marked by Protest
Please check out my new essay, “A Presidency Marked by Protest: Donald J. Trump and a New Era of Contentious Politics”. It takes a first look at some of the data that I’ve been collecting at protests this year.
Quoted in Science Magazine about March for Science
My observations about the March for Science were quoted in this article:
The March for Science and Democracy in America
Check out my essay “The March for Science and Democracy in America”, at “Learn, Speak, Act”, a new blog sponsored by the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts at the University of Michigan. Thank you to Nicholas Valentino for helpful feedback. Thank you to Katarina Nehrkorn, Will Sollish, Kiki Bayen, Yuka Naya, Aubrey O’Neal, Michael Mrozinski, and others for survey assistance. Thank you to Betsy Mendelsohn, Robert Bateman, and Kate Bateman for providing housing and meeting facilities.
Transcending Partisanship in the Age of Trump
My latest article appears today in Democracy: A Journal of Ideas. It is titled “Transcending Partisanship in the Age of Trump.” It is a quick read — only 2,000 words. The link is here:
New Media Cites on Protest During the Trump Administration
Here are some recent media stories that I was quoted in:
Media Coverage about Inauguration Protests, Women’s March, and More
Here are the links to the media coverage that I’ve received in the last few weeks:
Party in the Street is available for pre-order
My forthcoming book with Fabio Rojas, Party in the Street: The Antiwar Movement and the Democratic Party after 9/11, is now available for pre-order. It can be purchased from Cambridge University Press or
Quoted in USA Today College edition
Today I was quoted in a story in USA Today College edition about President Obama’s visit to Ann Arbor to promote a minimum wage hike. To make this even cooler, also quoted in the story was one of my undergraduate research assistants, Mira Friedlander. Mira had lunch with the president yesterday at Zingerman’s and introduced him before her speech, which means that she is now making the rounds by speaking to Wisconsin Public Radio and other media outlets. I think that we are seeing the beginnings of a star in the making!
Interviewed on NPR Morning Edition
This morning I was interviewed on NPR Morning Edition in a story about President Obama’s visit to Ann Arbor in his campaign to raise the minimum wage. Thanks to Tamara Keith for doing the interview.