Quoted in Governing Magazine

Fabio Rojas and I were quoted in Governing magazine in an article about protest policing, titled “As Protests Escalate Under Trump, States Seek New Ways to Deter Them.” “Police are trained in how to deal with riots,” says Michael Heaney, a University of Michigan sociologist and, with Rojas, co-author of Party in the Street: The Antiwar Movement and the Democratic Party after 9/11. “When they see a large group of people, they tend to treat it as a riot.”


Quoted in the Washington Post

I was quoted in a Washington Post story on the alt-right protests in Charlottesville, stating that “Elected officials feel the need to pander to the majority,” Heaney said. “Whether they’re anti-Trump protesters or white supremacists, [officials think] their voices should be suppressed, and the public is supportive of that.”
