The Partisan Ties of Lobbying Firms

Have you ever wondered about the “The Partisan Ties of Lobbying Firms”? If so, please check out my paper by that title, which is co-authored with Zander Furnas and Tim LaPira, and is available here:
It will be presented on September 1 at the APSA Annual Meeting. Among other things, we find that Republican lobbying firms experienced a bump in revenues when the Republicans took control of the House in 2010, but not when they captured the Senate in 2014.

Geoffrey M. Lorenz defends his Ph.D. dissertation in Political Science

Congratulations to Geoffrey M. Lorenz for successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation in Political Science at the University of Michigan. I have worked with Geoff since his first year at Michigan and it has been a pleasure every step of the way. Next he will be moving on to a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Virginia.

The committee (left to right): Richard Hall, Ken Kollman, myself, and Chuck Shipan.

Alice Danelia​ presents at MPSA in Chicago

I am so proud of Alice Danelia​ for her presentation of “Perceived Effectiveness of Lobbying Coalitions in Washington, DC” at the 75th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association in Chicago, IL. This poster is joint work among Alice, Jesse Crosson​, Marco Lewis, and myself.

A Network Approach to Interest Group Politics

Please check out my new article, co-authored with James Strickland, titled “A Network Approach to Interest Group Politics” which appears in Oxford Handbooks Online (as part of the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Political Networks). See:

An ungated version is available here: