Party in the Street: The Antiwar Movement and the Democratic Party after 9/11, with Fabio Rojas (Cambridge University Press, 2015). Read Introduction Here. Buy Book Here.
Documentary Film
The Activists: War, Peace, and Politics in the Streets, with Melody Shemtov and Marco Roldán (Bullfrog Films, 2017). Watch Trailer Here. Buy Film Here.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Interactions Among National and Supranational Identities: Mobilizing the Independence Movement in Scotland, Frontiers in Political Science (with Erika L. Anderson, Madilyn E. Cancro, & Grace E. Martin, December 13, 2023)
Black Protesters in a White Social Movement: Looking to the Anti-Iraq War Movement to Develop a Theory of Racialized Activism, Socius (with Fabio Rojas & Muna Adem, March 20, 2023)
Who Are Black Lives Matter Activists? Niche Realization in a Multimovement Environment, Perspectives on Politics (December 2022)
Tweeting #RamNavami: A Comparison of Approaches to Analyzing Bipartite Networks, IIM Kozhikode Society and Management Review (July 2021)
Intersectionality at the Grassroots, Politics, Groups, and Identities (July 2021)
The Science of Contemporary Street Protest: New Efforts in the United States, Science Advances (with Dana R. Fisher, Kenneth T. Andrews, Neal Caren, Erica Chenoweth, Tommy Leung, L. Nathan Perkins, & Jeremy Pressman, October 2019)
The Partisan Ties of Lobbying Firms, Research & Politics (with Alexander C. Furnas and Timothy M. LaPira, July-September 2019)
Contributions by Interest Groups to Lobbying Coalitions, Journal of Politics (with Philip Leifeld, April 2018)
Making Protest Great Again, Contexts (Winter 2018)
Activism in an Era of Partisan Polarization, PS: Political Science & Politics (October 2017)
Gender Attitudes, Gendered Partisanship: Feminism and Support for Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton among Party Activists, Journal of Women, Politics & Policy (with Elizabeth A. Sharrow, Seth E. Masket, Dara Z. Strolovitch, and Joanne M. Miller, November 2016)
Unconventional Protests: Partisans and Independents outside the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, Research & Politics (October-December 2016)
Mobilizing Marginalized Groups Among Party Elites, The Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics (with Seth E. Masket and Dara Z. Strolovitch, July 2014)
Hybrid Activism: Social Movement Mobilization in a Multimovement Environment, American Journal of Sociology (with Fabio Rojas, January 2014)
Multiplex Networks and Interest Group Influence Reputation: An Exponential Random Graph Model, Social Networks (January 2014)
Coalition portfolios and interest group influence over the policy process, Interest Groups & Advocacy (with Geoffrey M. Lorenz, October 2013)
Polarized Networks: The Organizational Affiliations of National Party Convention Delegates, American Behavioral Scientist (with Seth E. Masket, Joanne M. Miller, and Dara Z. Strolovitch, October 2012)
The Partisan Dynamics of Contention: Demobilization of the Antiwar Movement in the United States, 2007-2009, Mobilization (with Fabio Rojas, March 2011)
Causality in Political Networks, American Politics Research (with James H. Fowler, David W. Nickerson, John F. Padgett, and Betsy Sinclair, March 2011)
Organizing Women as Women: Hybridty and Grassroots Collective Action in the 21st Century, Perspectives on Politics (with Kristin A. Goss, March 2010)
Social Networks and American Politics: Introduction to the Special Issue, American Politics Research (with Scott D. McClurg, September 2009)
Coalition Dissolution, Mobilization, and Network Dynamics in the U.S. Antiwar Movement, Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change (with Fabio Rojas, 2008)
The Chicago School that Never Was, PS: Political Science and Politics (October 2007)
Partisans, Nonpartisans, and the Antiwar Movement in the United States, American Politics Research (with Fabio Rojas, 2007)
The Place of Framing: Multiple Audiences and Antiwar Protests near Fort Bragg, Qualitative Sociology (with Fabio Rojas, December 2006)
Building the Chicago School, American Political Science Review (with John Mark Hansen, November 2006)
Brokering Health Policy: Coalitions, Parties, and Interest Group Influence, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law (October 2006)
Outside the Issue Niche: The Multidimensionality of Interest Group Identity, American Politics Research (November 2004)
Issue Networks, Information, and Interest Group Alliances, State Politics and Policy Quarterly (Fall 2004)
A Note on Measuring the Economic Impact of Institutions of Higher Education, Research in Higher Education (with Ken Brown, April 1997). For Spanish version click here.
Infrastructure and Local Economic Development, Regional Science Perspectives (with Janet M. Rives, 1995)
Editor-Reviewed Journal Articles
The Multivalence of Crowds, Social Research (Summer 2023)
The Contentious Politics of Scottish Independence, Political Insight (December 2020)
Protest at the Center of American Politics, Journal of International Affairs (Spring/Summer 2020)
The Partisan Politics of Antiwar Legislation in Congress, 2001-2011, The University of Chicago Legal Forum (August 2011)
Blogging Congress: Technological Change and the Politics of the Congressional Press Galleries, PS: Political Science and Politics (April 2008)
Getting Rid of the Old Gas-Guzzler: The Federal Gasoline Tax as a Tool of Public Policy, Draftings in Economics (1997)
Competition, Concentration, and Consumer Welfare in the Deregulated Airline Industry, Draftings in Economics (1996)
Book Chapters
Theory and Possibilities in Social Network Analysis, in Box-Steffensmeier, Sinclair-Chapman, & Christenson (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Engaged Methodological Pluralism in Political Science. Published online in May 2024.
A Network Approach to Interest Group Politics, in Victor, Lubell, & Montgomery (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Networks (with James M. Strickland, 2017). Published online by Oxford Handbooks Online in September 2016.
Finding the Party in the Street, in Kahn & Fisher (eds.), The Practice of Research (2014)
Political Rhetoric and Institutional Structures: Religious Advocacy in the US Congress, in den Dulk & Oldmixon (eds.), Mediating Religion and Government: Political Institutions and the Policy Process (with Elizabeth A. Oldmixon, 2014)
Bridging the Gap between Political Parties and Interest Groups, in Cigler & Loomis (eds.), Interest Group Politics, 8th Edition (2012)
Campaigning in the Internet Age, in Craig and Hill (eds.), The Electoral Challenge: Theory Meets Practice (with Matthew Newman & Dari Sylvester, 2011)
Linking Political Parties and Interest Groups, in Maisel & Berry (eds.), Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups (2010)
Identity Crisis: How Interest Groups Struggle to Define Themselves in Washington, in Cigler & Loomis (eds.), Interest Group Politics, 7th Edition (2007)
Selected Other Publications
Emotions Made the Difference for Women’s Marches against Two Inaugurations, Scholars Strategy Network (February 2025).
Pro-Gaza and far-left activists dominated the 2024 DNC protests, Good Authority (with Selin Bengi Gümrükcü and Eric S. Heberlig, August 2024).
The 2024 GOP convention protests, vs. previous years, Good Authority (with Selin Bengi Gümrükcü and Eric S. Heberlig, August 2024).
Protests Matter in Election Years—and This Year’s Had Plenty, The Progressive Magazine (with Ben Manski, June 2024).
Book Review, A Peaceful Superpower: Lessons from the world’s largest antiwar movement, Peace & Change (2024).
Book Review, A Voice but No Power: Organizing for Social Justice in Minneapolis, Perspectives on Politics (2023).
Elections and Social Movements, Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, 2nd Ed. (2023).
Review essay: connecting elections and protests, Interest Groups & Advoacy (December 2020).
The George Floyd protests generated more media coverage than any protest in 50 years, Washington Post Monkey Cage (July 2020).
Does protesters’ dissatisfaction with democracy explain willingness to use violence?, Mischiefs of Faction (June 2020).
Americans Are Taking Collective Action on Both Sides of COVID-related Policies, Mischiefs of Faction (June 2020).
Book Review, Street Citizens: Protest Politics and Social Movement
Activism in the Age of Globalization, Contemporary Sociology (May 2020).
The Dynamics of Coalitions in Social Movements, Mobilizing Ideas (February 2020).
Lobbying Firms as a Topic of Inquiry, VOX POP (Fall 2019).
How does changing control of Congress affect the fortunes of lobbying firms?, Mischiefs of Faction (with Alexander C. Furnas, 2019).
Book Review, Space Invaders: Radical Geographies of Protest, Contemporary Sociology (2019).
Is the Women’s March focused on white women — or does it promote intersectional activism?, Washington Post (Monkey Cage, 2019).
The New Wave of the Women’s Movement in the United States, Mobilizing Ideas (2018).
The March for Science and Democracy in America, Learn Speak Act (2017)
Critical Dialogue, When Movements Anchor Parties & Party in the Street, Perspectives on Politics (2017)
Transcending Partisanship in the Age of Trump, Democracy: A Journal of Ideas (2017).
Book Review, Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research, Contemporary Sociology (2017)
Bernie Sanders and the Occupy Wall Street Wing of the Democratic Party, Mobilizing Ideas (2016).
Here’s what was surprising about the protesters at the Democratic convention this week. Washington Post (Monkey Cage, 2016).
Why are the protests at the Republican Convention so small? Washington Post (Monkey Cage, 2016).
Democrats and Republicans are as divided about gender discrimination as they are about everything else. Vox (Mischiefs of Faction, with Elizabeth A. Sharrow, 2016).
Book Review, When Movements Anchor Parties: Electoral Alignments in American History, Interest Groups & Advocacy (2016)
Coalition Portfolios in Interest Group Politics, VOX POP (Fall 2013)
Elections and Social Movements, Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements (2013)
The Policy, Political, and Social Effects of the Antiwar Movement after 9/11, Mobilizing Ideas (2012)
Book Review, Reforms at Risk: What Happens After Major Policy Changes are Enacted, in Perspectives on Politics (March 2011)
Book Review, Resistance, Space and Political Identities, in Mobilization (March 2010)
A Tale of Two Cities: The 2008 National Party Conventions and the Politics of Protest, CURA Reporter (with Dara Z. Strolovitch, Joanne Miller, and Seth Masket, Fall-Winter 2009)
Entry on Lobbying in the Political Encyclopedia of U.S. States and Regions (2009)
Entries on Harold Gosnell, Initiative, and Public Interest Advocacy, in the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd Edition (2008)
Book Review, Fat Politics, in the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law (February 2007)
Book Review, The Indirect Effect of Direct Legislation, in the Journal of Politics (August 2006)
The 10 Contradictions of Lobbying Coalitions, Influence (with Peggy Tighe, January 2005)
At the Root of its Success: AHA’s Lobbying Muscle Comes from a Strong Network of Local Advocates, Modern Healthcare (July 19, 2004)
On the Hill, Less is More, Impact (December 2003)
What Was In It For Them, Washington Post (November 30, 2003)
Medicare Reform: Both Parties Vying for Support, Washington Times (November 26, 2003)
PhRMA tops health grous with most pull on Hill, The Hill (October 1, 2003)
Adaptation and Networks, Proceedings of Agent 2002; Social Agents: Ecology, Exchange, and Evolution (2003)
I Have Chad News for You, Washington Post (November 3, 2002)
Memoranda Prepared for Congressional Hearings
Long Term Care Insurance: Are Consumers Protected for the Long Term?, Memorandum Presented to the U. S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (with Kristine Blackwood, July 24, 2008). Transcript of corresponding hearing, which I organized along with Kristine Blackwood, is available here.
In the Hands of Strangers: Are Nursing Home Safeguards Working?, Memorandum Presented to the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (with Kristine Blackwood, May 15, 2008). Committee print of corresponding hearing, which I organized along with Kristine Blackwood, is available here.