Quoted in Communications Daily on Net Neutrality

Thanks to Howard Buskirk at Communications Daily for quoting me in his lead story today on “Net Neutrality Backlash Seen Raising Troubling Issues for FCC”. I am quoted as follows:

Throughout its history the FCC has had to make controversial decisions, said Michael Heaney, University of Michigan assistant professor-organizational studies and political science. But the reaction to the net neutrality vote is part of a larger reaction against what some on the left see as a “consistent and strong tilt toward large corporations,” he said. “That’s a big part of what’s going on here. It’s not just that people are upset about this specific policy, but rather that this policy is an exemplar of what people see as a broader problem in society.”

Some said changing net neutrality rules won’t mean any change for consumers, Heaney said. “That to me seems like a pure lie.” But he also said no one knows for sure how the decision will change the market. “This decision could turn out to be a great decision. This decision could turn out to be a terrible decision,” he said. “We don’t know what’s going to happen.”

The full story is available here:


And here is another article in Communications Daily on the same subject that I was quoted in in December 2017:


Surveying at the Women’s Convention

Here are some photos of students from my Advanced Research Team course taking a break from conducting surveys at the Women’s Convention last weekend. . Genevieve Harner, Brenda Vasconcelos-Ramirez, Madeline Martin, Gaby Roth, and Lizzy Marics.