The Global Campaign Against US / NATO Bases rallies outside the Dublin General Post Office in Dublin, Ireland.
Making Protest Great Again
“Making Protest Great Again” is my new article, published by the journal CONTEXTS, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2018. It is freely available for the next 30 days at this link:
Quoted about the March for Our Lives
I was featured in an article in the Detroit News about the March for Our Lives. It is titled “After march, questions turn to sustaining movement”. Read it here:
Article Published in Journal of Politics
My article with Philip Leifeld, “Contributions by Interest Groups to Lobbying Coalitions”, has been published online in the Journal of Politics. Read it here:
Remembering February 15, 2003
The Huffington Post ran a story remembering the antiwar protests of February 15, 2003. It featured my work with Fabio Rojas on this topic.
How protests can affect elections
I was quoted yesterday in The Economist’s blog post about the Women’s March titled “How protests can affect elections: America is seeing a new era of female political activism.” See:
Protests during the Presidency of Donald Trump
Please check out “Protests during the Presidency of Donald Trump”, which is forthcoming in the Winter 2018 issue of Contexts. Read here:
The New Wave of the Women’s Movement in the United States
Please check out my new essay at Mobilizing Ideas titled “The New Wave of the Women’s Movement in the United States.” See:
Quoted in the StarNews (Wilmington, NC)
I was quoted in this article in the StarNews (Wilmington, NC) on :Wilmington women demand to be heard at 2nd annual march.”
Quoted in USA Today
I was quoted in this article on “It’s taken a year for inauguration protesters to get answers, dozens still face charges” in USA Today.